Saturday, September 8, 2007


Charis is obsessed. She claims "Swiss Family Robinson" is her favorite movie except for Cinderella III. And she wants to watch it all the time. The other day we went to Cardiff Beach with our friend Astrid. Charis explained the movie to her in great detail, telling her she had to come over and watch it. Astrid was mildly interested. Her and her mom ended up coming over, so Charis was ecstatic to show her the film. But Astrid preferred to play, so Charis preceded to give the most impressive sale of the movie. She would not let it go! Finally Astrid consented to watch, but about 10 minutes in, she was over it and wanted to play. Charis couldn't believe it. She said, "There are tigers and pirates coming! Don't you want to watch that?!" But Astrid was not convinced.

Later we got a short karate demonstration from Astrid, which has generated several fun conversations.

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