Sunday, December 9, 2007

roommates, cards and billys

Kat and Bas. ahhhh. A weekend with the old roommates. Paxton absolutely loves Bas. The thing with Paxton is he's less friendly and social than Charis, and more of a home-body. So I've always thought of Charis as being more of a "people person". But Pax is the real people lover. Although he'd rather stay home, he wants to be home cuddling and kissing. Whereas Charis is planning the next outing whenever we're home. So back to Kat and Bas. Paxton wanted to be near and on Bas all weekend. He's only like this with people he feels comfortable with. And I guess old roommates fit the profile.

Other than Pax and Bas hugging, we also played cards with K & B. That brought out this funny contrast of personalities. K & B are quite competitive, and me and Caleb are, well, not in the least. But it was fun all the same. I used to think I wasn't competitive because I'm not very good at sports. I thought it was some sort of defense mechanism. Like since Im not very good at "games" I don't enjoy them and am therefore not competitive. But I was "king" like 4 times during our card game, and I never digressed all the way to "skum". Yet, I was mostly ambivalent. Admittedly, I would have enjoyed the game less is I had lost the entire time, but I never felt angry or exuberant. K & B felt and expressed both. Having such strong feelings about a card game is baffling to me, but being so relaxed about life is boring to them.

"The billys"....this is what Jonas calls his toes. Why? I have no clue. But I love it, and constantly ask him to say it. Also, he has an affection for the letter "w". He can pick it out of a line-up and searches for it on the fridge. I also love that.

And I have begun the 5th Harry Potter book. I've only read part of chapter one, and Im already itching for the kids to go to bed so I can read more. Im no longer ashamed. I proudly read. 

1 comment:

jbantau said...

This post made me laugh because my husband and I have had the exact same experience with our friends when we play cards or board games. They cannot be on the same team because they get so mad if one of them makes a mistake. I keep wondering if the point of playing games is lost on some people. Do you play to spend time with people and enjoy their company or do you play so you can catalog a win? Silly.

I've enjoyed your blog so far. We began unschooling last October and its been an interest ride so far. Thanks for blogging its comforting to me to know other moms are having and enjoying this unconventional lifestyle.