Thursday, August 23, 2007

Clay Scluptures and Calculators

I had a day of feeling like nothing productive or "educational" was happening. I felt we needed more. More what I don't know, but it seemed like a wasted day. We usually go out in the morning and do something cool and then hang out at home for Jonas' afternoon nap. Well today we stayed home. And I felt like I was being a bad mom. So I did something that helped. I wrote down everything we had done so far that day. Seeing it on paper, and being mindful of it, made me realize what a lovely day it had been. Exactly the kind of day I like.

Besides making amazing sculptures and playing with calculators, we painting little figurines. Made a pillow castle. Charis made her own book all by herself. We colored. Looked at the cover of video games and discussed the pictures. Snuggled. Listened to music. Danced. Took a shower together. Did laudry and cleaning "together". Ate and drank together. cuddled. made balloon bombs. and talked a lot.

And did a ribbon dance. of course.


Flo said...

All of this fun and your house is so clean! You have to tell me how you do that.


Ahh, what deception. That picture does make my house look clean!