Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mexico in the rain?

Yesterday my kids went ice skating. On the way there Charis said, "This is going to be the best day of my life!" I don't know if it quite lived up to that expectation but they had a great time. And apparently did very well, or so I was told. I think more ice skating trips will be made in the future.

Caleb and I were supposed to be at a wedding in Mexico, but due to the crazy rain we went to coffee instead. Caleb and I are learning how to disagree with each other. We usually agree. And traditionally I have consented to his opinion (he's quite convincing, and well thought through) or he has sacrificed his desire for my own. But of late, I tend to be more opinionated. This is mostly a good thing, but we kinda become immobilized by it. Caleb really likes to honor my opinion, and pretty much never does something that I don't want him/us to do. But when I think we should do one thing (like go to Mexico despite the rain) and he thinks another thing (like stay in America and not die) we really struggle to communicate through it. In the past we would have talked about it until we agreed. But I didn't agree with him. Nor him with me. But a decision had to be made. I had no problem with us following his opinion, but I still didn't agree with it. That was the hard part for Caleb. He wanted us to agree. It's weird to have a new struggle after 11 years of being together (8 years of marriage). We resolved it eventually. We didn't go, and I forgave him for being grumpy about it. And I (so humbly) told him I should probably ask for forgiveness, but I didn't feel like I did anything wrong. So he said he kinda forgave me. Then we went to a fun family birthday party at Bucca di Beppos and ate yummy Chicken Parmesan (the only place I've ever liked that dish).

And I cut my bangs. And I think my boys are really cute.

1 comment:

TDM Wendy said...

Welcome to the real hagen world. Strong, opinionated woman on the loose.