Monday, October 26, 2009

commune living

Our friends from Washington flew down and stayed at our house for a week. There are 5 of them. There are 5 of us. Thats 10 total in our house. I loved it.

My kids loved waking up every morning with friends to play with. Charis tried desperately to act as little mommy to Caylin. But that little girl was having none of it. She knew what she wanted and it was not to be bossed around by Charis.

Jared looks strangely angelic in this picture. Caleb thought the lighting was cool. He and Caleb have so much in common and such a good time together. I like seeing that.

April and I got to go out on the town one night. I like talking to her. We have a lot in common. She's a patient and kind mom.

Liam is amazing. He's hilarious and cute. He's one of those kids you can just sit back and watch for entertainment purposes. I don't have a good solo picture of Trevon. He's a sweet kid who my kids loved playing with. All three of their children are beautiful.

We already have our next visit up to their house tentatively planned. I do like communal living. Anyone want to move in?